CAR-T therapy utilizes a patient’s genetically modified T cells to combat disease, has significantly reduced its manufacturing time from 37 days to 14 days due to improved manufacturing processes, reports Michael Erman of Reuters. Pharma aims to deliver personalized cancer therapies more quickly. This progress is crucial, especially for patients with advanced conditions where delays in treatment could be critical.
CAR-T therapy, initially designed for cancer treatment, is now also addressing autoimmune diseases. Despite the time-consuming process of altering and reintroducing modified cells, studies indicate its curative potential and ability to extend patients’ lives.
Michael Erman’s report highlights the industry’s efforts to expedite manufacturing timelines for these therapies, with a shared goal of providing personalized cancer treatments more efficiently. Shortening the treatment initiation period saves lives and broadens access to this transformative therapy.
The developments in CAR-T therapy manufacturing are promising for patients and the health care industry as a whole.
Time to treatment, which was as long as 37 days when the first CAR-T therapy was launched in 2017 by Novartis, are now down to 14 days at Gilead. Improvements in automation and regulatory adjustments could help companies further trim that time.
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