Nathaniel Lacktman Discusses Telemedicine Startups and Infrastructure Tech Stacks
Foley & Lardner LLP Partner and Chair of the firm’s Telemedicine & Digital Health Industry Team Nathaniel Lacktman is quoted in the Second Opinion article, “Introducing the digital health tech stack,” about digital health developers’ decisions about where and how to invest development resources. Second Opinion is a Substack newsletter focused on health-tech and the future of health care.
A typical digital health company needs to either build or buy its tech stack (a combination of technologies used to build and run an application or project), including administrative, analytics, communications, and clinical toolkits. Lacktman noted, “There’s folks in the space who want to outsource everything and then folks who want to do it as strategically appropriate.”
Lacktman also commented on gaps when it comes to tech stacks, saying that “pretty much anything that the doctor must order from the outside hasn’t yet been solved for” and “‘diagnostics-as-a-service’ is a big opportunity for the right team.”