Texas Lawyer Features Holly O'Neil and Kim Yelkin as Female Law Firm Leaders
Texas Lawyer highlighted female law firm leaders in Texas. In the article, "The Secret is Out: Texas is Good for Women in Law and Leading Ladies," Texas Lawyer reported that women all over Texas have assumed leadership positions in firms and companies, despite the challenges they continue to face regarding gender differences in rain-making and perceptions of female attorneys by judges and juries. Gardere Chair Holland N. O'Neil and Austin Office Executive Partner Kimberly A. Yelkin were two of the women included on Texas Lawyers' list of women who have assumed leadership positions at their Firm.
Access to the full article can be found here.
Texas Lawyer also featured Ms. O'Neil in its article, "Leading Ladies: More Women are Running Large Law," stating that she is one of only five women in Texas who holds a top position at one of the state's largest firms. Nineteen of Texas' 25 largest firms shared data showing that overall women make up 30 percent of the firms: lawyers, 20 percent of the partners and 16 percent of the equity partners.
Access to the full article can be found here.