Under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Premerger Notification Act, parties engaged in a merger or acquisition are required to notify the federal antitrust agencies in advance of their transaction, if the contemplated transaction exceeds a certain threshold dollar amount. The Federal Trade Commission adjusts the size-of-the-transaction threshold, and other HSR thresholds, yearly. The FTC has just announced that the size-of-transaction threshold will be increased from $70.9 million to $75.9 million, as of Feb. 24, 2014. The premerger notification process entails a fairly detailed description of the transaction and analysis of the markets affected, imposes a standstill period, and requires a substantial filing fee (at least $45,000).
For additional information or to discuss any issues regarding antitrust law, please contact Partner Daniel L. Cohen, chair of the Firm's Corporate Practice in Houston, ([email protected] or 713.276.5860).