Opportunities for growth in the Distribution & Franchise sector are widespread and excellent, but it is critical to remain up to speed on legal developments that affect both planning and day-to-day operations. Solid intelligence is the key to building prosperity.
The 27th Annual Law of Product Distribution & Franchise Seminar: Building Prosperity will not only offer the benefit of what our attorneys have learned over the past 27 years but what’s been happening in the industry over the last year and how those developments will affect the future of domestic and global distribution and franchise markets. This year, we are proud to have augmented our industry strength and scope of knowledge with presentations by attorneys who have joined us through the recent combination of Foley & Lardner LLP with Texas-based Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP.
Topics will include:
- Alternatives to Termination: Repairing Relationships Instead of Demolishing Them
- Brand Protection: The Foundation for a Successful Distribution or Franchise System
- Top 10 Cases of 2017-18
- The Antitrust Complexities of Dual Distribution
- Back to Basics: Antitrust Guidelines for Non-Price Vertical Restraints in Your Distribution Network
- States of Confusion: The Complexities of Multi-State Dealer Territories
- California’s “Prop 65” – 2018 Regulatory Update
- What You Can Do to Stop Gray Market Sales
- The Changing Landscape of International Trade – Risks and Opportunities
- Going Global – Minimizing Risks & Maximizing Rewards
- Dealers, Delinquency, and Deadbeats: A Primer on Collections
- “Gimme All You Got!”: When Best Efforts Fall Short
- Renewing the Relationship – Drafting Opportunities and Litigation Challenges
- Cybersecurity: Bricking Up the Company’s Defenses
- How to Avoid (and Defend Against) Claims You Are a Joint Employer
- Strengthening the Links in Your Company’s Global Supply Chain
- The Global Supply Chain – Lessons Learned and Best Practices in Building a Case in International Arbitration
- Storm Preparation: Crafting a “Bankruptcy Proof” Dealer, Distributor, or Franchise Agreement
- Termination: Building Your Best Case
There will also be Roundtable Lunch Discussions:
Session 1: Dealer Terminations
Session 2: Pricing and Antitrust
Session 3: International Compliance
Session 4: The Global Supply Chain
This is an invitation-only event. If you are interested in attending but have not received an invitation, please contact David Wise at [email protected].