Foley Partner Michael Blau is speaking at the Georgia Chapter of the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Practice Administrators Seminar, May 7 – 8, 2009 in Greensboro, GA.
Mr. Blau is speaking on May 7, 2009. His session is titled “Models for Successful Practice Consolidation, Integration and Collaboration.” This session will explore business models for aligning and integrating providers to provide a spectrum of cardiology related services. Successful arrangements will be discussed from an organizational, business, legal, and financial perspective. Topics addressed will include: models for cardiologist practice integration, including practice mergers and consolidations between community cardiology groups; the pros and cons of separate profit center arrangements such as group practice without walls; models for collaborative hospital-physician cardiology ventures; and the impact of recent Stark Law and other federal law developments on collaborative business arrangements.
For more information, please visit ACC’s Web site.