What to Do When Your Company Becomes the Subject of a Multi-State Investigation
Recently, Corporate Secretary and Foley hosted a discussion on “What to Do When Your Company Becomes the Subject of a Multi-State Investigation” part of the Corporate Wavelength Web conference series. Hosted by experienced professionals, the series addresses the latest trends in corporate governance, risk management, and compliance.
A multi-state investigation is one of the most difficult legal problems a company can face. These investigations may pose multimillion-dollar losses for the company involved, particularly if general or in-house counsel are not familiar with the nature of the office of the attorney general, the unique tempo of national investigations or litigation undertaken by state attorneys general, or the substantial legal issues that arise when states act collectively.
In this Web conference, Lisa L. Tharpe, Foley Securities Litigation, Enforcement & Regulation and White Collar Defense & Corporate Compliance Partner, delved into the complexities arising from a multi-state investigation. In addition to outlining how a company can avoid tremendous financial losses by cooperating proactively, the program also addressed investigating and controlling internal operations to avoid a multi-state investigation altogether.