Healthcare Financial Management Association's (HFMA) Washington/Alaska Chapter Fall Meeting
Associate Nathaniel M. Lacktman will be speaking at the Healthcare Financial Management Association’s (HFMA) Washington/Alaska Chapter Fall Meeting, November 29, 2007 in SeaTac, Washington.
Mr. Lacktman will be presenting on Thursday, November 29, 2007 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. His session is titled “Quality of Care: Transforming Health Care Through Payment Reform, Public Reporting and Enforcement.”
This session will provide an in-depth discussion on the three-prong approach the government has taken to focus on improving the quality of American health care, and a discussion of the OIG/AHLA guidance, “Corporate Responsibility and Health Care Quality: A Resource for Health Care Boards of Directors,” issued on September 13, 2007.
Particular emphasis will be on:
- The new reimbursement paradigm and pay for performance incentives
- Impact of public reporting and data mining efforts on hospitals
- Recent trends of enforcement actions against hospitals
- OIG/AHLA guidance for boards of directors
- How to integrate quality into your compliance program
- When to consider using outside independent peer review organizations when peer review is not working