Quality of care is the number-one priority for health care organizations today. The federal reimbursement system is undergoing profound change and is focused now on driving quality of care through payment policy changes, public reporting, and enforcement. In addition, the Office of the Inspector General and the American Health Lawyers Association recently issued guidance for boards of health care organizations regarding their fiduciary responsibilities for quality of care and patient safety. Foley hosted a two-part breakfast briefing on the quality revolution confronting health care organizations today.
The second session of this exciting series on Tuesday, November 8, 2007, featured Richard Vernick, M.D., managing director, Navigant Consulting and Janice Anderson in a discussion, moderated by Chris Rossman, on strategies for hospital executives to engage their medical staffs around a shared-quality agenda and to link quality with their billing and compliance functions. This presentation discussed:
- Common “myths” regarding most medical staff structures
- Limitations inherent in medical staff structures that make it more difficult to meet current quality mandates
- New structures to consider to align physicians and hospitals in a shared-quality agenda
- New structures to link quality and compliance
The first session of this series titled “The Quality Revolution” took place on October 11, 2007.