Future Forward Events introduced a new series, “On the Mainland,” to continue the conversations that take place each year at their annual Convergence Forum for Life Sciences Leaders. Each program brings together a targeted group of executives to share their experiences and debate a topic with a well-known moderator.
Foley is a regular sponsor of the series and is pleased once again to sponsor the April 17, 2008, program. Life Sciences Industry Team Co-chairs Gabor Garai and David Rosen will participate in the event.
This evening’s discussion will focus on what’s new in Boston’s research labs, what’s in the process of being commercialized, and how the process of licensing intellectual property (IP) is changing. It will be led by:
- Noubar Afeyan, Managing Partner, Flagship Ventures
- Lauren Foster, Assistant Director of Biotechnology, MIT Technology Licensing Office
- Nina Green, Director, Tufts University Office of Technology Licensing and Industry Collaboration
- Bruce Zetter, PhD, Vice President for Research and CSO, Children’s Hospital Boston.
For more information about this event and the Future Forward series, visit the event page.