Foley is proud to announce the continuation of our Timely Insight: The Vacation Ownership Industry Web Conference Series. The Timely Insight seriesfocuses on the most pressing legal and business issues for the vacation ownership and timeshare industry and explores the latest developments, their impact on your business, and practical strategies to help you stay ahead in our dynamic industry.
In this session of Timely Insight, Foley Senior Counsel Richard M. Caron moderated a discussion on Compliance With Antidiscrimination Laws: Strategies for Sales and Marketing, featuring Foley Partner Michael C. Lueder, Senior Counsel Christi R. Adams, and Tempus Resorts International, Ltd. Chief Operating Officer Andrew T. Marcus.
With increasing pressure to cut sales and marketing costs, the prescreening of leads has become more important than ever. What can you do to maximize your marketing dollars while also complying with complex antidiscrimination laws?
Topics for discussion included:
- Implications of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act
- Recent case law and applicable enforcement actions
- New marketing techniques: online applications and related disclosures
- Examination of how consumers are shopping
For additional information about Timely Insight: The Vacation Ownership Industry Web Series, please contact Jackie Polson at