Compliance Officer Immersion: How Recent Changes and Increased Scrutiny May Impact You (Manhattan Beach)
The U.S. Office of Inspector General has commenced a series of extensive, onsite Medicare audits of hospitals known as the Comprehensive Hospital Compliance Audit. A number of specific issues in the Audit have also found their way onto the OIG’s 2013 Work Plan. Additionally, the U.S. Office of Pharmacy Affairs in the Health Resources and Services Administration and drug manufacturers have increased audit activities of 340B drug discount programs. These audits are causing hospitals to consider further look-backs into the issues if systematic violations are uncovered. Recoveries could potentially cost your facility hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Topics include:
- An overview of the Comprehensive Hospital Compliance Audit and the major issues hospitals have had investigated through this process
- Exclusions, Civil Monetary Penalty authorities, and other administration remedies, including those added by health care reform
- 60-Day Refund Rule: Applying the statute against the background of CMS’s proposed rule
- Increased enforcement efforts with respect to 340B covered entities, such as significant new sanctions for non-compliance under health care reform, recertification requirements, and audits of covered entities
Participants will also enjoy the exchange of ideas during our “Hot Topic” session. Attendees are encouraged to present the issues they are currently facing, so that fellow compliance officers can advise one another as peers during this interactive format.
- John Valenta, Director, Enterprise Risk Services
- Karolyn Woo, Senior Manager, Enterprise Risk Services
- Elizabeth S. Elson, Of Counsel
- Richard K. Rifenbark, Partner
- Lawrence W. Vernaglia, Partner
- R. Michael Scarano Jr., Partner
There is no fee to attend and space is limited. The deadline to register is Monday, November 5, 2012.