How Coronavirus Is Affecting the Construction Industry: An Evolving Tracker of Construction Shutdowns Across the United States

Updated Friday, April 17, 2020 @ 5:00pm EST
The U.S. construction market has been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. Rapidly evolving state and local orders governing business closures, limitations on social gatherings, and restrictions on commerce are being issued and clarified daily. Foley’s nationally ranked Construction Practice has been continually tracking those states in which construction has been impacted by such orders. Our construction tracker serves as a critical resource for owners, contractors, laborers and suppliers trying to make sense of the current landscape. Please note, even in states where construction is permitted to continue, the health and safety of all who access and work on construction sites and adherence to social distancing requirements must be the utmost priority. Updates should be made to health and safety plans and project parties should work together to determine best practices for maintaining the health, welfare, and safety of all.
With the proliferation of multiple conflicting state and local orders, including the limited federal guidance on construction as an essential service, parties seeking to understand how governing law may impact their construction project must seek advice of counsel. The following guidance is not legal advice. This information is a summary of orders impacting construction in a rapidly changing and uncertain environment. We cannot guarantee that governmental authorities will concur with our summary nor can we guarantee how your particular project will be treated under the law. If you have questions on any matters related to applicability of the law, safety, project suspension, force majeure provisions, or contractual rights to suspend or terminate, please contact any of the lawyers in Foley’s Construction Practice.
Click on the Construction Shutdown Tracker button below that is meant to track construction-related impacts and will serve as a developing resource for owners, contractors, laborers and suppliers trying to make sense of the current landscape.