Jeffrey A. Soble


Jeffrey A. Soble


Jeffrey (Jeff) Soble’s deep understanding of clients’ business objectives and industries informs his strategies as he advocates for them inside and outside the courtroom.

A partner and litigation lawyer with Foley & Lardner LLP, Jeff’s practice focuses on commercial disputes between businesses, Product Liability, insurance broker errors and omissions claims, class action defense, post-transaction disputes, construction losses, and general contract and tort law. He is experienced in Supply Chain management and contract enforcement, in particular with limited or sole-source suppliers and just-in-time suppliers. He has further experience in the litigation of insurance coverage claims.

Jeff is a member of the firm’s Business Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice and former co-chair of the Automotive Industry Team. He is a member of the American Arbitration Association’s Roster of Neutrals. Jeff was the co-editor of Foley’s former Automotive team blog, Dashboard Insights, which was named to the ABA Journal’s Blawg 100 in 2016. He is a member of Foley’s Manufacturing Sector Advisory Board and a co-editor of the Manufacturing Industry Advisor, Foley’s blog dedicated to the new industrial revolution. His varied clientele includes manufacturers (light and heavy), mobility companies, service providers, and technology companies.

Jeffrey A. Soble 是美国富理达律师事务所(Foley & Lardner LLP) 的合伙人。 Soble先生的执业领域主要包括集团诉讼辩护、交易后争议、产品责任、建筑损失以及一般的合同和侵权法律事务。他在供应链管理和合同执行方面(特别是有限或者单渠道供应商和实时供应商)具有丰富的经验。他在保险索赔方面也很有经验。Soble先生是商业诉讼和争议解决业务组的成员,并且担任汽车行业团队的联席主席。他是汽车行业团队博客(的联席主编。


  • 在一起营业场所责任案件中为领先的全国零售商获得了陪审团裁决。原告主张永久性头部损害并索赔650万美元。由于被告承认责任,唯一的问题仅是赔偿的数额。陪审团裁定向原告支付150,000美元。在一名同意和解的被告提出反诉后,客户的责任减少到65,000美元以下——低于审判前的最后和解要约,并且仅为原告要求的损害赔偿的1%。
  • 就前雇员在终止雇佣关系后非法从客户处获得机密信息和商业秘密一案,成功获得了针对该前雇员的初步禁令。
  • 在一起交易后运营资本调整仲裁中,代表私募股权客户获得了金额为1309万美元的裁决。
  • 在一起交易后运营资本调整案件中,成功地代表废金属回收客户获得了一份金额为255万美元的仲裁裁决。
  • 在一起针对大型国际零售商的消费者集团诉讼中,成功地全程辩护,在证据开示程序开始前,就诉状判决的动议,而获得判决。
  • 在一起声称违反明示和默示担保以及过失不当陈述的全国性集团诉讼中代表被告、即某重型设备生产商,且胜诉了认证集体诉讼的动议。
  • 在一起关于人身保护令的法律援助中,对被责令离开美国的外国人的无限期拘留提出异议,被准许集体诉讼。Kazarov v. Achim, No. 02 C 5097, 2003 WL 22956006(N.D.Ill. 2003年12月12日)。
  • 在一起被证明金额为3300万美元的违约和违反明示保证的索赔中,代表被告抗辩,在法官庭审后,,获得胜诉判决。判决被维持,In re Comdisco, Inc., 434 F.3d 963 (7th Cir. 2006)。
  • 成功地促使伊利诺斯州上诉法院采用新标准保护非当事方诉讼参与人免于披露它们的机密商业信息。Int’l Truck & Engine Corp. v. Caterpillar, Inc., 814 N.E.2d 182 (Ill. App. Ct. 2nd Dist. 2004)。
  • 商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)驳回了根据《商品交易法》提出的索赔,因为CFTC对争议的外汇交易没有管辖权。案件被维持,CFTC v. Zelener, 373 F.3d 861 (7th Cir. 2004)。
  • 在一起与违反保证有关的索赔中,在三名仲裁员组成的仲裁庭进行为期两周的仲裁活动后,成功进行了辩护,获得胜诉判决。客户是一家小型发动机制造商,最初被起诉要求支付2400多万美元。仲裁庭完全支持客户,裁决它们不承担责任。
  • 在一起集团诉讼案件中,代表被指控违反其章程的公司获得了简易判决。In re Sunstates Corp. Shareholder Litigation, 788 A.2d 570 (Del. Ch. 2001)。


  • “Lexblog博客领导者:仪表盘见解期待看见未来的路向何方”Lexblog博客网专题文章(2016年)
  • “一盎司的预防-现在就准备好应对产品责任索赔”,发表于2016年7月27日至28日举行的第12届国际产品安全与责任预防年度会议;
  • “保护自我!如何应用于法律诉讼领域”,发表于2016年6月23日至24日在墨西哥圣地亚哥克雷塔罗举行的2016年度克雷塔罗汽车论坛
  • “预防并减轻产品责任索赔”2014法律实务
  • “并购中的机遇与挑战”,董事圆桌会议,2013年5月7日和9日。
  • “运营资本争议中的战略考虑——中立的仲裁员的角色”,富理达与FTI咨询公司合作的网络会议,2011年6月8日。
  • “采购法:财务不确定时代的有效合同谈判与管理”,由Lorman Education Services发表,2010年4月26日。
  • “每个律师都应当知道的成交后运营资本和额外对价争议”,在富理达主办的CLE培训课程主讲。2009年9月15日。
  • “为你的案件获得简易判决及其他”,在富理达主办的CLE培训课程主讲,2008年11月6日。
  • “阅读和解释复杂的商业合同以及提起诉讼:成功的战略”,在富理达主办的CLE 培训课程主讲。2008年8月28日。
  • “供应商关系:哪里会出现断链”以及“诉讼程序”,在全国采购管理协会主办的采购法律训练营上主讲,伊利诺斯州芝加哥市,2008年5月7日。
  • “合同101:第II章——什么是你需要知道的”,在富理达主办的2007年商业诉讼会议上发表,2007年12月3日。


Soble先生已经被同行评议评定为“AV® Preeminent™”,即Martindale-Hubbell同行评议评级体系的最高级别的优秀律师。他曾是富理达全国法律援助委员会的成员,也是本所芝加哥办公室法律援助委员会的前任主席。Soble先生曾经两次成功地帮助被联邦政府无限期扣押的移民获释。在某次成功解救行动之后,Soble先生被中西部地区移民与人权中心和芝加哥律师协会——青年律师部门授予了法律援助领导奖。

作为芝加哥Loyola大学法学院1996届优等毕业生,Soble先生还曾经是Loyola全国冠军杯审判竞赛小组的成员,在竞赛中获得了美国诉讼律师学院向最佳口头辩护律师颁发的George A. Spiegelberg奖,并且在上诉辩护中获得了Loyola大学学术成就奖。他被全国诉讼辩护协会认证为诉讼辩护教师。


Representative Experience

  • Obtained dismissal with prejudice of US$20m claim for tortious interference with contract, professional negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and other causes of action on behalf of international risk management and insurance brokering client. Case dismissed prior to the commencement of discovery. Affirmed, Santa Rose Mall, LLC v. Aon Risk Services Cent., Inc., No. 221352, 2023 WL 4672106 (Ill. App. 1st Dist.)
  • Obtained defense judgment in jury trial in favor of mobility and transportation service provider and its employee defeating wrongful death and vicarious liability claims.
  • Obtained defense judgment in bench trial in favor of insurance brokerage firm defeating claims for breach of contract. Case affirmed on appeal. Altman Mgmt. Co. v. AON Risk Ins. Servs. W., Inc., No. 328593, 2016 WL 5122109 (Mich. Ct. App. Sept. 20, 2016), appeal denied, 893 N.W.2d 632 (Mich. 2017).
  • Attained a temporary restraining order on behalf of Tier 1 automotive supplier client against its customer OEM, compelling the OEM to conduct a recall of certain vehicles to replace certain emissions-related components.
  • Obtained a jury verdict in a premises liability matter for a leading national retailer. Plaintiff claimed permanent head injuries and sought US$6.5m. As liability was admitted, the matter only concerned damages. The jury awarded plaintiff US$150,000. After setoff from a settling defendant, the client’s liability was reduced below US$65,000 — less than the last settlement offer before trial and only 1% of plaintiff’s claimed damages.
  • Obtained a preliminary injunction against a former employee after he nefariously obtained confidential and trade secret information from the client after the employee’s termination.
    Secured US$13.09m award on behalf of a private equity client in a post-transaction working capital adjustment arbitration.
  • Obtained a US$2.55m arbitration award in a post-transaction working capital adjustment for a scrap metal recycling client.
  • Granted a motion for judgment on the pleadings prior to the start of discovery in defense of a purported consumer class action against a large international retailer.
  • Defeated a motion for class certification in the defense of a heavy equipment manufacturer in a purported nationwide class action lawsuit alleging breach of express and implied warranties, and negligent misrepresentation.
  • Granted class certification in a pro bono habeus corpus proceeding in an action challenging the indefinite detention of foreign citizens ordered removed from the United States. Kazarov v.
  • Achim, No. 02 C 5097, 2003 WL 22956006 (N.D.Ill. Dec. 12, 2003).
  • Granted judgment after a bench trial of a contested US$33m breach of contract and express warranty claim. Judgment affirmed, In re Comdisco, Inc., 434 F.3d 963 (7th Cir. 2006).
  • Successfully urged the Illinois Appellate Court to adopt a new standard for the protection of non-party litigants from the discovery of their confidential business information. Int’l Truck & Engine Corp. v. Caterpillar, Inc., 814 N.E.2d 182 (Ill. App. Ct. 2nd Dist. 2004).
  • Awarded claims dismissal brought pursuant to the Commodity Exchange Act by the Commodity Futures Trade Commission because the CFTC did not have jurisdiction over the foreign currency transactions at issue. Case affirmed, CFTC v. Zelener, 373 F.3d 861 (7th Cir. 2004).
  • Granted judgment after a two-week arbitration before a panel of three arbitrators arising from breach of warranty-related claims. The client, a small engine manufacturer, was originally sued for more than US$24m. The arbitration panel found entirely for the client in ruling them not liable.
  • Obtained summary judgment in a class action lawsuit on behalf of a corporation alleged to have violated its articles of incorporation. In re Sunstates Corp. Shareholder Litigation, 788 A.2d 570 (Del. Ch. 2001).

Awards and Recognition

  • Peer Review Rated as AV® Preeminent®, the highest performance rating in Martindale- Hubbell® Peer Review Ratings™
  • Midwest Immigrant & Human Rights Center and Chicago Bar Association – Young Lawyers Section’s Pro Bono Leadership Award (for his success in obtaining the release of immigrants indefinitely detained by the federal government)
  • JD Supra’s Reader’s Choice 2017 Top Author on Driverless Cars (for his work on Foley’s Dashboard Insights blog)

Community Involvement

  • Former member, Foley’s national Pro Bono Committee
  • Former chairman, Foley Chicago office’s Pro Bono Committee

Presentations and Publications


  • Trial Advocacy Teacher (National Institute of Trial Advocacy)
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