Preeminent Government Contracts Attorney Marshall J. Doke, Jr., a partner in the Dallas office of Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP, has been appointed chair of the Standing Committee on Audit following his re-election by the American Bar Association Board of Governors to a three-year term.
The Standing Committee on Audit is responsible for the review of all internal controls of the ABA including financial, operational efficiency, and law and regulation compliance matters. As chair, Mr. Doke will be required to represent the committee at all Board of Governors meetings.
"The Standing Committee on Audit is, essentially, the eyes and ears of the ABA for internal controls," says Mr. Doke, a longtime committee member. "We are charged with the assessment of all organizational risks, from financial to its reputation. It is an honor but also a big responsibility to have been selected by the ABA president to lead this group."
One of the nation's foremost government contracts attorneys, Mr. Doke's practice at Gardere is concentrated on public contract law involving federal, state and local governments. A former chair of the ABA Section of Public Contract Law, he previously served on the ABA Board of Governors and as a member of the ABA House of Delegates for more than 30 years.