Lehot Quoted in Crunchbase on Recent M&A Activity Among Startups
Partner Louis Lehot is quoted in a Crunchbase article titled, “Startups are acquiring other startups at an unprecedented pace.” The article examines how venture-backed startups are buying other startups at the fastest pace in at least a decade, according to Crunchbase data.
Lehot told Cruchbase, “Because valuations are so high, sellers are motivated to sell.” He anticipates there will be more scrutiny of M&A deals beginning in January, and deals will take longer to complete. Lehot added that companies “can no longer count on the FTC to be a 30-day rubber stamp, unless somebody complains. Instead, they should anticipate a second request for more information, and for a two-to-three month process if there aren’t any issues, or six-to-12 months if there are.”
This article was also published by Grit Daily.