Kristel Schorr counsels life science clients regarding all aspects of intellectual property, including due diligence analyses, validity, non-infringement and freedom to operate opinions, IP portfolio management, patent prosecution, post-grant, and interference proceedings. She is a member of the firm’s Partner Selection Committee and the former chair of the firm’s Chemical, Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Practice.
Kristel’s legal practice spans a number of technical areas, including immunology, molecular and cell biology, protein chemistry, oligonucleotide therapeutics, oncology, genetics, diagnostic assays, small molecule pharmaceutical compositions, and drug delivery systems, but her work often involves biologics such as antibodies and other large molecule receptor agonists and antagonists.
Kristel joined Foley in 2001 as a patent agent and law clerk after attending graduate school, and later as an associate. Kristel’s graduate work was in the field of cancer biology, and the regulation of apoptosis in mammary epithelial cells in particular. She has also authored several scientific publications in this area.
クリステル・ショールはフォーリー&ラードナーLLP法律事務所の知的所有権を専門とするパートナー弁護士であり、化学・バイオテクノロジー・医薬プラクティスグループの代表を務める。ライフサイエンス・プラクティスグループにも所属する。ライフサイエンス企業をクライアントとして知的財産権全般について法的助言を提供している。例えば、知的財産権のデュー・ディリジェンス、有効性、侵害性、「実施自由」意見書(freedom to operate opinions)、ポートフォリオ管理、特許出願、特許再審査、インターフェアレンスなどに関わる業務を手掛ける。
Representative Experience
- Represented Daiichi Sankyo in a successful Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent 8,168,181 to Alethia Biotherapeutics (IPR 2015-00291).
- Served as lead counsel in a successful interference matter for Athena Diagnostics (Patent Interference No. 106,015).
- Represented Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited as co-counsel in a successful interference proceeding (Patent Interference No. 106,070).
Awards and Recognition
- Recognized by The Legal 500 for her patent prosecution work, including reexamination and post-grant proceedings (2016-2017), and patent licensing and transactional work (2012)
Presentations and Publications
- “Pharma & Biotech Breakout: In re Cellect and the Effect of Obviousness-Type Double Patenting on Patent Term Adjustment, Strategies for Prosecuting Orange Book-Listable Patents in an Era of Heightened FTC Scrutiny, and New Terminal Disclaimer Rules Proposed by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office,” Foley’s 2024 Tokyo IP Conference: Navigating the Business of Innovation – Insights on Patent Eligibility, AI, and Other Key IP Developments,” Tokyo, Japan, September 25, 2024
- “Recent Major Case Law Including the Amgen Patent Case Before the U.S. Supreme Court,” Foley & Lardner and Lee & Ko Joint Seminar, Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association, Seoul, South Korea, September 26, 2023
- “Developments on U.S. Pharma Patent Prosecution & Policy During COVID-19,” Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, U.S. Patent Law Seminar Series – 2020-2022, November 16, 2022
- “Important Developments at the U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB),” Japan Intellectual Property Association, U.S. Intellectual Property Law Update Seminar Series – First Half of 2022, September 22, 2022
- “COVID-19 – Preparing for Post-Pandemic Transformation in Health Care and Life Sciences,” Foley Webinar, May 21, 2020
- “Responding to COVID 19 – Rapid Development and Launch Strategies for Diagnostics, Vaccines, and Therapeutics in a Global Pandemic,” Foley Webinar, March 26, 2020
- “Digital Health & Technology – Issues and Risk Management,” American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM) Joint Legal Affairs and Population Health & Technology Committee Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, August 8, 2019
- “Patent Eligibility: Understanding How New 101 Decisions are Impacting the Industry,” American Conference Institute (ACI) Women Leaders in Life Sciences Law 2019 Conference, Boston, MA, July 25, 2019
- “Biosimilars in the U.S., FDA Biosimilar Action Plan and Patent Challenges,” BIO KOREA 2019 International Convention, Seoul, South Korea, April 18, 2019
- “AI in the Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences Industry” and “IP Issues Related to the Integration of AI Into Pharma Research, Diagnostics & Digital Healthcare,” Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Tokyo, Japan, December 20, 2018
- “Immunotherapy at the Crossroads: Will Shifting Patent and Regulatory Trends Help or Hurt?,” South San Francisco, CA, November 27, 2018
- “Artificial Intelligence: The Next Technology Wave and Patent Strategies to Consider to Not Be Left Behind” and “’Pharma & Biotech Breakout: Advanced Strategy for Protecting Personalized Medicine Inventions Based on The USPTO’s 2018 Vanda Guidance, FDA Labeling Requirements & New Joint Infringement Precedent / Updates on the CRISPR Patent Interference,” Foley’s 2018 Tokyo IP Conference: Global Relationships in Flux – How Would You Redraw Your IP Strategy Map? Tokyo, Japan, October 11, 2018
- “FDA Biosimilar Action Plan & Current IP Issues,” Changes in U.S. Biosimilar Market Seminar, Seoul, South Korea, September 2018
- “The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences/Healthcare and Licensing Considerations,” American Chamber of Commerce in Korea (AMCHAM) Joint Legal Affairs, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Committee Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, May 9, 2018
- “AI on the Move: Tackling Legal Challenges with Artificial Intelligence in High-Tech and Life Sciences,” Osaka, March 14, 2018/Tokyo, March 15, 2018
- “Game Changers: How CAR-T and Cell Therapy Are Revolutionizing Cancer Immunotherapy,” Foley Webinar, December 7, 2017
- “’Pharma & Biotech Breakout:’ Hatch-Waxman and IPR Strategy Updates,” Foley’s 2017 Tokyo IP Conference: Global Impacts in Flux: Strategies for IP and Legal Leaders,” Tokyo, Japan, September 7, 2017
- “Biotech Protection in the U.S., Canada, and EU: Is This a New Era?,” 2017 BIO World Congress, Montréal, Canada, July 24, 2017
- “PTAB Practice Updates for Pharma and Biotech Companies,” MIP PTAB Forum 2017, New York, NY, May 16, 2017
- “Thought Leaders Exchange for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy: Bridging the Gap Between Spectacular Medical Promises and Business Realities,” Boston, MA, May 3, 2017
- “U.S. Investment Strategies for Korean Life Sciences Firms,” SelectUSA Seminar at 2017 BIO KOREA, Seoul, South Korea, April 13, 2017
- “Optimizing Use of Inter Partes Review (IPR) and Ex Parte Reexaminations as a Commercialization Strategy for Biologics and Biosimilars in the U.S.,” AMCHAM Joint Legal Affairs and Pharmaceutical Committee Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, March 16, 2017
- “IPR Master Class Workshop Series – Session Two,” Tokyo, January 26, 2017
- “CRISPR-Cas – Patent, Licensing and Recent Development,” Foley and Japan Bioindustry Association CRISPR Seminar, Tokyo, January 25, 2017
- “IP Today: Capturing the Competitive Edge – Weighing the Impact of Change in the U.S. IP World,” Tokyo, September 8, 2016
- “IP Today: Capturing the Competitive Edge: U.S. Patent Prosecution Seminar Series,” Tokyo, June 30, 2016/Osaka, July 1, 2016
- “Supreme Court Declines to Review Sequenom Ruling,” Legal News: Intellectual Property, June 27, 2016
- “Pharma & the PTAB,” PTAB Forum 2016, May 12, 2016
- “The U.S. Market and Beyond: New IP Strategies for Success,” IP Today: Capturing the Competitive Edge Japan Program Series, Tokyo, Japan, September 29, 2015
- “The Road Ahead For Kyle Bass’s IPRs” Law360, August 2015
- “Federal Circuit Holds Sequenom’s Diagnostic Method Patent Invalid Under 101,” Foley & Lardner Legal News: Life Sciences, June 2015
- “Patent Watch: Have the Biosimilar Floodgates Been Opened in the United States?,” Nature Review, April 2015
- “IP on the Cusp of the Next Evolution,” IP in the Reform Era 2014 Seminar Series, Tokyo, Japan, September 9, 2014
- “America Invents Act: Law & Analysis,” Co-author, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, 2014 Edition
- “USPTO Finally Issues New Guidance on Patent Subject Matter Eligibility,” PharmaPatents, December 2014
- “USPTO Issues Long–Awaited Revised Guidance on Patent Eligibility,” Foley & Lardner Legal News: Intellectual Property, December 2014
- “USPTO Issues New Guidelines on Subject Matter Eligibility Under 35 USC 101 in View of Myriad and Prometheus,” Foley & Lardner Legal News: Intellectual Property, March 2014
- “Supreme Court Holds Isolated Naturally Occurring DNA Cannot Be Patented, Sustains Patent-Eligibility of cDNA,” Foley & Lardner Legal News: Intellectual Property, June 2013
- “Federal Circuit Again Upholds Patent-Eligibility of Myriad’s Isolated DNA Claims, Holds Diagnostic “Analyzing” Claims Patent-Ineligible,” Foley & Lardner Legal News: Intellectual Property, August 2012
- “Unanimous Supreme Court Invalidates Prometheus Personalized Medicine Claims,” Foley & Lardner Legal News: Life Sciences, March 2012
- “The Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act: Implications for Implementation in Light of FDA Draft Guidance,” Foley & Lardner Legal News: Life Sciences, February 2012
- “USPTO Issues Proposed Rules Packages to Implement America Invents Act,” Foley & Lardner Legal News: Intellectual Property, February 2012