
Smart Manufacturing

Capitalizing on the Benefits and Avoiding Risks in the Smart Manufacturing Revolution

Smart Manufacturing Hero Image.

Smart Manufacturing (sometimes referred to as Advanced Manufacturing or Manufacturing 4.0/5.0) — the use of technology to make manufacturing more efficient, reliable, resilient and traceable — has surged in recent years due to advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, automation, advanced materials and production techniques and construction.

As your company seeks to harness Smart Manufacturing, the benefits are clear, but rapid developments have raised new business, legal, and practical concerns. To anticipate issues and benefit fully from the revolution underway, you need counsel who understands both the law and the underlying technology. Foley is ready to help you navigate change to capture the benefits of Smart Manufacturing: efficient and repeatable production, product customization, consistent quality, better supply chain adaptability, greater inventory management, and heightened brand protection.

As you bring Smart Manufacturing technology to your plant floors or provide Smart Manufacturing solutions to other businesses, our team can provide technical expertise and legal experience as well as deep knowledge of your industry and the specific needs of your business. Adopting Smart Manufacturing solutions necessitates rethinking and retooling your approach to supply chain management, protecting intellectual property, maintaining data privacy, and being cognizant of other unique legal issues. Foley helps you find solutions across the continuum, through dedicated teams focused on four key areas of Smart Manufacturing:

  • Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Automation
  • Advanced Materials and Additive Manufacturing
  • Smart Construction
  • Cybersecurity

Foley is here to help you capitalize on the transformational opportunities that Smart Manufacturing presents.