Police Reform

Foley attorneys have assisted law enforcement agencies and local advocacy groups to take steps to launch a community-centered process to reimagine public safety and to strengthen accountability and transparency in matters of officer conduct. These initiatives build on policies to advance 21st century policing, end cycles of violence, and confront the legacy of racial discrimination. Foley’s participation in these efforts include its assistance to various clients relating to (i) the examination of a police department’s recruitment, hiring, retention, and training process, and analyzing data collection and retention practices, and (ii) the research associated with drafting criminal justice reform and police accountability legislation.
Foley’s Recent Work:
HB 3653 Criminal Justice Reform/Police Accountability Bill
General Assembly passed HB 3653 on Jan. 13 sponsored by Foley attorney and Senator Elgie Sims accompanied by Representative Justin Slaughter. These repeals qualify immunity, limit collective bargaining, and eliminate cash bail. Foley attorneys also prepared a resource guide in the fall of 2020 which was used in the preparation for the drafting for such bill and with an eye towards creation of model legislation.
Los Angeles Police Commission
Foley Partner Byron McLain was named to the Los Angeles Police Commission’s Advisory Committee on Building Trust and Equity by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. The Advisory Committee focus their work on a review of discipline and accountability; assessing current policing reform proposals being considered throughout the country; evaluating the implementation of past LAPD reform proposals; examining the LAPD’s recruitment, hiring, retention and training process; and analyzing data collection and retention practices.